Missing New Orleans

Posted by – May 21, 2010


We’re still getting the boat ready for our first passage. The to-do list is still massive. Hardly anything is getting complete due to the lack of proper tools, tools failing and early closure and limited selection at the local hardware store. We’re trying hard not to get stressed or frustrated. Steven is mounting the windlass as he reinforces the bowsprit. I’ve prepared the car for longterm storage. We still need to install the new fuel filter and bleeding screw, replumb the engine to prevent it from flooding, install the newly welded chainplate that somehow has a new crack, install the rudder bolts, replace the boomkin stays and turnbuckles, fill our jerry jugs, drop the car off, hoist the dinghy and secure the cabin for sailing. All of these projects are in some state of completion. Hopefully we can wrap up soon. Birthday time is fast approaching and what gets done gets done. It’s time to go sailing. We plan to raise anchor tomorrow afternoon, Sunday morning, at the latest. We will be at sea in route to Key West with no communication for 24-36 hours. Our sole means of help will be our VHF radio. We had the option to either renew our SPOT tracking device or replace some of the rigging. The rigging was more important. We will post when we leave Boca Grande and when we arrive at Key West. The weather looks nice and we plan to sail most of the way. We will probably take watches which means one of us takes the helm while the other sleeps or rests. There are a fair amount of crab pots to watch for as well as boat traffic. I wonder how long it will take to install the autopilot?!

1 Comment on Missing New Orleans

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  1. Charles says:

    Good luck guys; be safe.


