Tag: Fishing

Jen’s first shark! Steven’s sixth!

Posted by – June 2, 2010

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Good eating if you bleed them quick.

Caught a flounder and a half dozen blue crabs.

Posted by – May 15, 2010

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We went walking on the flats tonight and came back with all of this. It’s a bit late for a feast but it’s all ready to go for tomorrow. We did have a taste though. Mmmmmm.


Posted by – May 13, 2010

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Boca Grande Ladies Tarpon Rodeo today at the Boca Grande Lighthouse

Posted by – May 8, 2010

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I caught a seahorse!

Posted by – April 28, 2010

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I set a light to try and attract some fish tonight. It brought in some small baitfish and what looked like wormfish. The wormfish are really seahorses! Boca Grande IS magical.

Organizing fishing equipment

Posted by – April 28, 2010


Found a deserted beach during yesterdays dinghy ride. Saw huge shells, iguanas and uprooted trees from Hurricane Charley.

Posted by – April 28, 2010

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Found 2 urchins and 2 starfish along the beach!

Posted by – April 25, 2010

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Sand fleas and fishing day 2

Posted by – April 25, 2010

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Boca Grande beach. Looking for sand fleas and fishing for pompano.

Posted by – April 24, 2010

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