Preparing for another thunderstorm at anchor. Need sleep! Only 2 hours of sleep in the last 50. Trip took way too long due to light air and last nights thunderstorms.
Just picked up cell service. Crazy night last night. We spent the whole night running from squalls that lined up 20 miles off key west. Had big seas and blew out two sails in the thunderstorms we couldn’t avoid. Made good time at first but light winds for about 24 hours. Only motored the last 30 miles or so though. We got about 2 hours of sleep each in 15 min catnaps. Delerious. Soo ready to sleep. About 2 hours until we drop anchor.
Reported a flare seen around 2:30am to the USCG. Heard back that 6 others saw the same flare but coming from south of Key West. Saw lights from what looked like a tanker around 4:15am and altered course to avoid collision. You never know if anyone is paying attention in those things. Back on track now. It’s been low, low winds. Long trip. Only halfway.